The construction of classroom tests, like other phases of teaching, is an art that must be learned. It is not automatically derived from a knowledge of subject matter, a formulation of the learning of the learning outcomes to be achieved, or a psychological understanding of the pupils' mental processes, although all of these are prerequisites. The ability to construct high-quality tests items requires, in addition, a knowledge of the principles and techniques of the test construction and skill in their application.The true-false item requires the pupil to select one of two possible answers. This item type is used for measuring simple knowledge outcomes when only two alternatives are possible or the ability to identify the correctness of statements of fact is important. It is also adaptable to measuring the ability to distinguish fact of true-false items is limited by the difficulty of constructing clue-free items that measure significant learning outcomes, the susceptibility of this type to guessing, the low reliability of each item, and the general lack of diagnostic value. They may well be restricted to those areas for which other items type are inappropriate. When used, special efforts must be made to formulate statements that are free from ambiguity, specific determiners, and clues.