The National Education Association points with pride to the improvement of standards which will make teaching a profession, including

1.Improvement in Admission Techniques

The trend toward the use of more discriminating selective techniques for admission of students to teacher-preparation programs.

2. Extension in Duration of Education

The trend toward an extension of time to a minimum of four year of college education for elementary school teachers and one year training

3.Probationary Period

Probationary certification at all levels of teaching with a minimum of four years of college; continuing certification with the obtaining of a standard certificate with five years of college preparation. Probationary certification for administrative and supervisory personnel with a minimum of five years of college and three years of experience as a teacher; continuing certification in administrative and supervisory areas with six years of professional preparation.

4.Inservice Education

The trend toward the requirement of certain specific minimums in number of college hours as inservice education necessary to renew certification.

5. High Standards for Membership

Setting high standards for admission to membership inthe professional organization.

6.Code of Ethics

The National Education Association has a strong code of ethics and is beginning to enforce its observance by its members.

7.Teacher Welfare Programmes

National trends in the improvement of teacher welfare in retirement programs, improved tenure, salary schedules, and w in other areas.

8.Improvement in Accreditation

Improvement and extension of requirements necessary for accreditation of teacher-education institutions.