Organizations of a Library

Keep the following points in mind while organizing a library.

1. Place and accommodation

Library should be situated at a peaceful place and should be spacious.

2. Library in-charge

For deriving maximum benefits and value of a library, the work of the in-charge may be done by the students themselves under the guidance and supervision of a teacher. Such arrangement may arouse keen interest among students not only for the reading of science boos but also for exploring sources of getting good books. One of the students may become in-charge of the library to help in the exchange of books themselves on the basis of rotation. This system will encourage students for reading additional books at home in their leisure hours. There should be appropriate books and other reading materials which should be properly classified and placed at the disposal of the students for their self study.

3. Selection of books and reading material

The effectiveness of a library depends upon the books and reading material it possesses for its readers. It requires a proper planning and wise selection on the part of the organization. In general, the books and materials to be kept in the library may be categorized as below:

  • All the prescribed books for each standard class.
  • Books on detailed information and extensive study on every field of life.
  • Books on latest development and progress.
  • Books on discoveries and inventions.
  • Book on the historical landmarks including the life histories.
  • Books on scientific hobbies and amusement.
  • Interesting pictorial and well illustrated books for creating interest in reading.
  • Periodicals and magazines
  • The materials like charts, pictures, models, be used as an aid for the teaching and learning of the different topics.
  • The reference books, encyclopedias, dictionaries related to the facts and processes.

4. Management of Library

Mere collection of books and material in the library is not enough. For serving the desired purpose this library should be properly managed by keeping in view the things like below:

a) Proper Classification

There should be proper classification of the books so that a particular book on the given topic and subject may be easily located by the readers. b) Proper service and maintenance

  • A lending register should be properly maintained with the name of the students, date of issue of the book and the date of return of the book, etc. It will help the teacher to find the number of student interested in reading the books.
  • Students should be instructed not to tear any picture or page from the books and magazines of the school library. They should also be told and made to learn without getting them damaged in any way.
  • The books and the materials should be protected from the white ants, cockroaches and other harmful insects by spraying insecticides and other protective substances regularly.

c) Rules of the Library

For the proper running and services of the library, there should be some fixed rules and principles to be followed by the library readers and organizations. Some of these rules are produced below:

  • Every class should have fixed day and time for getting books issued to them and also for returning the same.
  • Period for which the book is issued should be made clear to the student. The students should know clearly that they have to return the books within the stipulated period.
  • There should be a specific period in the time table known as library period for attending the library to read books and other reading material. The students should be made to observe silence and keep discipline in this library period while reading the books etc.
  • Rules of the library should be properly displayed for the information of the readers.

5. Promoting student's interest in the Library

The following ways and means may be adopted by the teachers and organizers to create interest of the readers inthe library reading:

  • The teacher should give references of books with their authors during the classroom teaching or demonstration, etc.
  • Now and then the teacher may bring good books from the library and show them in the class by emphasizing their salient features.
  • The students may be asked to take necessary notes from the library books and read them out to the whole class for the benefit of others.
  • Discussion and debates on the topics of interest should be encouraged among the students.