On the basis of these points we can say that team teaching refers to:
- Scheduling
- Grouping of students.
- Assigning specific teaching responsibilities to the teachers.
- New building arrangements.
- Independent study time for pupils.
- Use of para professionals known as teacher-aids or persons who assist the teachers and students.
- Replacement of the centralized library with resource centres.
Teaching Rusk has given the following hypotheses which underlay team teaching:
1) The best teachers in a school are shared by more
2) Teachers are provided with a schedule which allows time for better preparation and planning.
3) Teachers get more help from the non-teaching branches of school such as test service, school office, guidance, audio-visual services, and the library.
4) Teachers should have, and can have more exact knowledge of their students.
5) The best teachers in any system are entitled to recognition.
6) Teachers can grow and keep abreast of increasing knowledge.
7) Teachers do not plan and work in isolation. The team approach minimizes repetitious effort
8) Teachers make better use of teaching techniques and technological devices.
9) Students develop better study habits.
10) Special student needs are more easily diagnosed, and remedial assistance easily planned.
11) Flexibility permits groupings and regroupings of students.
12) The plan provides for flexible class-size.
13) Resource people from outside the school are more easily used.