An effective testing programme is an integral part of instruction, tests in the past have been the major criteria for making judgement in this field. The teacher is aware of the responsibility of measuring and evaluating the growth of students. Tests have high value for the learner as well as the teacher, both in evaluating and in guiding the learning process. The teacher thus explores his own methods and is able to see ahead and to plan wisely. Generally speaking, students are motivated in their study of a unit by the fact that they will be held responsible for the materials presented. In evaluating the worth of a unit, the students and teacher have an opportunity to review and draw conclusions. Tests give the students practice in unifying and clarifying his thinking about a particular topic or problem. They also furnish the students with some practice and training in citizenship. The vocational and educational values derived from tests are both practical and worthwhile for adult life in modern society. The teacher or the supervisor should carefully determine his purpose is testing and then should endeavour to select or construct the test that will be the most suitable for his purpose.