It deals with attitudes, liking, disliking, habits, values and feelings. It is further divided into five subgroups by Krathwohl in 1964.
1. Receiving:
(i) Receiving refers to students willingness to attend a particular phenomenon.
(ii) This is the lowest level of learning out come in affective domain.
(iii) Examples:
a) Attending classroom activities
b) Listening textbook reading
c) Listening music
2. Responding:
(i) Responding refers to active participation on the part of the students.
(ii)This involves:
a) Reading assigned material
b) Reading voluntarily
c) Reading for pleasure
(iii) These include objectives concerned with interest and enjoyment.
(iv) Examples: A student
(a) Completes assigned home work
(b) Obeys school rules(c) Participates classroom discussions (d) Completes laboratory work 3. Valuing:
(i) Valuing is concerned with the worth or value a student attaches to a particular object, phenomenon.
(ii) This ranges from simple acceptance of value to more complex level of commitment.
(iii) This include objectives concerned with attitude and appreciation.
(iv) Example:
a) Appreciating good literature or music
b) Appreciating science
c) Showing concern for the welfare of the other
d) Demonstrating problem solving attitude
4. Organization
(I) Organization is concerned with:
a) Bringing together different values
b) Resolving conflicts between them
c) Building internal consistent value system This include objectives concerned with development of philosophy of life.
(iii) Example:
a) Recognizing for balance between freedom and responsibility in democracy. b) Understanding accepting own strengths and limitations.
5. Characterization:
(i) At this level, the individual has a value system that controls the behavior for a sufficiently long time to develop a characteristic life style.(ii) Learning out come indicates typical behavior of the students.(iii) Examples:
a) Displaying safety consciousness
b) Using objective approach in problem solving
c) Maintaining good health habits
d) Practicing co-operation in group activities.