Advantages of School Record
A) Record Help the School
- To locate each pupil quickly.
- To have available the significant fact about each pupil.
- To explain and remove undesirable conditions.
- To find if all legal requirements are met.
- To determine if any administrative or otherchanges are desirable.
- To make important investigations and case studies possible.
- . To find if school funds are adequate and wisely expended.
- To reduce retardation and failure to a minimum.
B) Record Help the Classroom Teachers
- To know pupils when the school year begins.
- To determine what work a pupil is capable of doing.
- To provide learning activities suitable to eachpupil.
- To formulate a basis for the intelligent guidance of pupils.
- To explain the behaviour characteristics or unhappy conditions of any pupil.
- 1 make possible the development of unusual capacities or exceptional talents.
- To identify and make proper provisions for the mentally slow.
- . To make assignments to committee work andmonitorial positions.
- To make periodic reports correctly and in time.
- To be properly informed when conferring with parents and others about a pupil.
C) Permanent Records Help the Pupil
- To receive fair consideration in his classification.
- To do his best in making a good record.
- To make progress in accordance with his ability.
- To secure transfer of correct information toother schools when desired.
- To receive proper adjustment and guidance.