Bureaucratic Evaluation:

This evaluation is usually initiated by the government or the Ministry of Education. In your circumstances, the Ministry of Education could evaluate a course of study or subjects taught in schools to find out whether they need improvement or modifications. The results of the evaluation are used by the Ministry of Education or the government.

Autocratic Evaluation:

This evaluation focuses on what is considered to be the educational needs of a curriculum. Governments or ministries usually ask independent evaluators such as consultants to conduct this evaluation. The government or ministry is not obliged to accept the results of the evaluation.

Democratic Evaluation:

This focuses on the experiences and reactions the curriculum initiators have had with the programs or project being evaluated. In this approach, the evaluation does not lead to firm recommendations to be considered by the initiators or program implementers.

Norm-Referenced Evaluation:

This evaluates students' performance relative to other students performance. The performance of current students or of previous students can be compared.

Criterion-Referenced Evaluation:

Criterion referencing measures students' actual performance and compares it with the objectives of instruction identified in the syllabus.