8.7Administering the Test

It is concerned with providing optimum conditions for obtaining the pupil's responses, the guiding principle in administering the test is that all pupils must be given a fair chance to demonstrate their achievements of the learning outcomes being measured. It involves providing conducive physical and psychological environment.

Physical conditions consists of

(I) Adequate work space

(ii) Proper light

(iii) Ventilation and

(iv) Comfortable temperature.

Provision of conducive psychological atmosphre is of great importance which means atmosphere free of threatening and warning pupils like:

1.Threatening pupils with tests if they do not behave.

  1. Warning pupils to do their best "because this test is important."
  2. Telling pupils they must work fast in order to complete the test on time.
  3. Threatening dire consequences if they fail the test.

Suggestions for administering test involves:

1. Do not talk unnessarily before the test.

2. Keep interupptions to a minimum during the


  1. Avoid giving hints to pupils who ask about individual items.

4. Discourage cheating, if necessary.