Teachers' manual is supplementary aid for the professional teachers. Teachers manual also called teacher guide is his/her handbook. It is a directory containing contact information. Teacher's guide is a manual with directions on assembling the components of his/her classroom curriculum effectively.

It is a map with guideposts to keep him/her in a straight line from the initial point of implementation to integration at the end of the year. Teacher's guide is a pocket sized book he/she can consult at his/her convenience throughout the year.

It offers maximum flexibility and more alternatives to teachers. Teachers may derive ideas for developing their own resource units, learning units and lesson plans. It provides many suggestions to teachers. specifies minimal objectives that students must master in the discipline.

It may identify teaching materials and suggest learning activities. It may be accompanied by pre tests and post tests for each lesson or period. The writers of teacher try to clarify ideas, gather data, demonstrate creativity, determine sequence and organize thoughts. Teachers' manuals may have a variety of formats.

The comprehensive format would include;

  • Introduction
  • Instructional goals
  • Instructional objectives
  • Learning activities
  • Evaluation techniques
  • Resources needed

Teachers manual should be used and revised periodically

Teacher's Manual Preparation

The most effective teacher's guide results from a team effort. Team includes representatives from the professionals who fit the school curriculum to the needs of the students it serves. Therefore, the team includes representatives from the following:

  • Administration: executes school curriculum
  • School counseling: advises students about curriculum relevant to career pathways, administers performance evaluations
  • Content courses: adjusts classroom curriculum to meet state standards
  • Special education: adjusts curriculum for special needs students
  • Technology: transmits information

Teacher's Manual Contents

female student image by Petro Feketa from Fotolia.com

Teacher's manual /guide contain:

  • Student demographics.School calendar with dates for in-service days, faculty meetings, department meetings and testing.
  • School liaisons to community resources with email addresses.
  • Department chairs including education consultants.
  • Overlapping content standards for English, math, social studies and science.
  • School summary of previous year's achievement test scores showing areas of improvement and areas targeted for growth.
  • Technology consultant.
  • Pertinent websites containing lesson plans and online videos for teacher training.
  • All contacts should include email addresses.


Tools image by Scott Latham from Fotolia.com Teacher's guide/manual should be near primary work station which is most likely as computer. Therefore, put the guide onto desk top. This makes the guide accessible at any time during work day. Teachers can also refer to it while working on lesson plans or communicating with peers or other school or community professionals. Keep the handbook as soft copy and to use at home or when away from work station.

Using Teacher's Manual

Teacher's manual provides the tools they need to fit their classroom content seamlessly into the school's curriculum. Check websites for lesson plans geared toward specific content standards. Consult with special education teachers for adaptations to lesson plans to assist students who learn differently than traditional learners.

Check the points where content material overlaps to eliminate redundancy. School liaison to community colleges or vocational schools can provide information regarding structuring classroom content to align with career pathways. Keep guide handy, refer to it often.