i. Policy statement.
As maintained in the policy, a liberal, free, democratic and competitive university culture leavened with Islamic values would be promoted. Participation rate of higher education would be enhanced. The programme of higher education would be improved through increased input in graduate study programmes and research. Higher education, which was supply- oriented, would be made demand-oriented. Universities would be encouraged to generate funds by various means. Participation of teachers at international conferences would be facilitated.
ii. Other strategies for development and improvement of higher education as laid down inthe "policy, are briefly stated:
- More funds would be provided to universities for research.
- A separate higher education services policy would be formulated,
- Liberal grants would be provided for books,journals to universities.
- Degree education would be diversified to increase employability of the graduates.
- Progressive privatization of public sector would be encouraged.
- A National Council of Academic Award would be established.
- Industrial Parks to improve industry- university relationship would be set up.
- Colleges of Distance Education would be established in the provinces.
- High technology disciplines in selected polytechnics and Engineering Universities would be introduced.
- Zero based budgeting for allocation of funds to universities, would be introduced.