In the domain of instruction, there are two major applications of the computer:
(i) Computer Managed Instruction (CMI), and
(ii) Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)
In CMI the computer gathers, stores and manages mation to guide students through individualized learning experience.
It gets a student move through check-points (in the form of definite activities) in the education process Dimes different via different paths matching the individual capabilities. It achieves this individualized instructional process by a series activities administering diagnostic test, scoring them, prescribing appropriate next steps and monitoring the progress of the individuals all along the route.
In CAI the computer interacts directly with the learners while presenting lessons. It delivers instruction directly to students and allows them to interact with the computer through the lessons programmed in the system. The. computer's ability to engage in instructional 'dialogue' with the student while delivering information makes it adaptable to any number of instructional situations. It can facilitate various instructional modes. Let us discuss these modes in brief here:
1) Tutorial Mode:
In the tutorial mode, as in programmed instruction, information is presented in small units followed by a question. The student's response is analysed by the computer and appropriate feedback is given. A network of 'branches' or pathways can be programmed to teach and to allow students to work on their own pace. The more alternative programmes available to the computer, the more adaptive the tutorial can be to individual differences.
2) Drill or practice:
This mode is to make sure that concept, rule and procedure has already been learned by the learner. The programme leads the learner through a series of examples to develop dexterity and fluency in using the skill. All correct responses are reinforced. The computer goes ahead only when mastery is achieved by the learner.
3) Discovery mode:
In this mode inductive approach to learning is taken up, that is, the problems are presented and the learner solves those problems through trial and error. It approximates to laboratory learning and the real-life-learning outside the classroom. The main of the approach is the deeper understanding that results from discovering the solving a complex problem.
4) Simulation mode:
In simulation mode the learner confronts a scaled down approximation of a real-life situation. Thus, this mode allows realistic practice without the expense of risks otherwise involved.
5) Gaming mode:
Gaming mode can or cannot be instructional. It is mostly recreational in purpose, while sometimes it teaches through games. It is specially suitable for young children.