Etymologically, the words simulation is derived from the word 'simulate' which means to reproduce certain conditions by means of a model, for study or training purposes, for example, to simulate flight using a model flight in a wind tunnel. So, simulation refers to operation in which a real situation is represented in another form.

Simulation, by definition, is an artificial situation of the student teacher in the class-room. It is telling the students through artificial environments how to cope with various class-room situations. In other words it is meant to create artificial situations which provide artificial experiences for he participants..

It may be noted that simulation is the basis of sensitivity training socio-drama, role playing and psychodrama. The maint idea underlying this is to place an individual in a situation which provides spontaneous interaction to see if he can practice producing certain patterns of behavior.


A very important and pertinent question strikes one's mind: Why should a teacher-trainee be not asked to undergo teaching practice-directly in actual class-room situation? Beng a trainee, he is not perfect and as such, the time of the das may get wasted and instead of any good teaching, much harm is likely to be done to students. This is why in teaching , the technique of simulation has been introduced.

Teachers of all categories may be trained through simulation by making use of a mechanism known as simulated teaching before allowing them to teach their students in real class-room situation.

Simulation may be used in the teaching or training of the children at all levels. With the help of role playing in a particular project, mock play, drama etc., they may learn so many things connected with their formal or informal education.

Simulation gives us greater control over the teaching variables. It introduces the students to teach in non-stressful conditions. We are trying to build up concepts about teaching in the student and the best way to do this is to present example of the concepts, i.e. concrete example of teaching problems and activities, in a structured way so that the student is able to abstract the common general features from the specific particular examples.

According to Stones, "We can arrange for the student to have experience of situations which he might well not otherwise get if he were entirely dependent upon 'fortuitous (happening by chance) circumstances of the class-room".

It has been rightly said that Simulation is an activity- oriented technique. It is problem-based and therefore, helpful in the development of inter-disciplinary approaches to learning. It is fundamentally dynamic