5.2 Expectation from a Teacher continue..
C-Expectation from a teacher with reference Community
- Participating in parent-teacher and similar activities.
- Participating in community affairs.
- Making himself available to parents at scheduled times to discuss pupil progress and behaviour.
- Evincing a helpful, sympathetic and understanding attitude towards parents and their children's schooling problems.
- Assuring through personal behaviour in thecommunity that the school-staff image in thecommunity is favourable.
- Showing due courtesy to the members of the community and especially when they visit the school.
D-Expectations from a teacher with reference to students
- Students should have free access to the teacher.
- The teacher should give due regard to the individuality of the students.
- The teacher should take interest in the welfare of the students.
- The teacher should attend to their individual needs.
- The teacher should share responsibility with thestudents.
- The teacher should be fair and just with the students.
- The teacher should have faith in the students.