4. Specialized Profession Organizations
At the working level, the classroom, the professional organization that best serves teachers (and education students) is usually one that focuses on their major field. Each such subject-centered professional association provides a meeting ground for teachers of similar interests. These professional organizations customarily provide regional and national meetings and professional journals that offer current teaching Hps, enumerate current issues in the discipline, and summarize current research and its relationship to practice. The first column of Overview lists fifteen major organizations that focus on specific subject matter
Other organizations, also national in scope, focus on the needs and rights of particular kinds of students, ensuring that these children and youth are served by well-prepared school personnel. Fifteen such organizations are listed in the second column of Overview. These associations hold regional and national meetings and publish monthly or quarterly journals.Still another type of organization is the professional organization whose members cut across various subjects and student types, such as the Association for supervision and Curriculum Development ad Phi Delta Kara. These organizations tend to highlight general innovative teaching practices, describe new trends and policies affecting the entire field of education, have a wide range of membership, and work to advance the teaching profession in general.
5.Religious Education Organizations
In grades K-12 there are approximately 375.000 nonpublic-school teachers, of whom 135,000 belong to religious education associations. One of the largest religious teacher organizations is the National Association of Catholic School Teachers (NACST), founded in 1978 and now comprising more than five thousand teachers, mainly from large cities. Few Catholic K-12 schoolteachers belong to either the NEA or the AFT.The largest and oldost Catholic education organization is the National Catholic Education Association, comprising 8,146 institutions and 200,000 Catholic educators. Most members are administrators, who serve as principles. supervisors, or superintendents of their respective schools. Fow teachers are members.
OVERVIEW: Major Specialized Professional Organizations For Teachers (USA)
Organizations that Focus on Specific Subject MatterOrganizations that Focus on Student Type or Age Level 1. American Alliance Of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance1.American Association For Gifted Children2. American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages 2. American Association of Workers for the Blind 3. American Industrial Arts Association3. American Association for Asian Studies4. American School Health 4. American Montessori SocietyAssociation5. American Vocational Association 5. American Speech- Language-Hearing Association6. Association for Education in Journalism6. Association for Childhood Education International7. International Reading Association7. Association for Children with Learning Disabilities 8. Modern Language Association8. Council for Exceptional Children9. Music Teachers National Association 9. Music Teachers National Association 10. National Art Education Association 10. National Art Education Association11. National Business Association 11. National Business Education Association12. National Council for the Social Studies12. National Council for the Social Studies 13. National Council of Teachers of English13. National Council of Teachers of English 14. Notional Council of Teachers of Mathematics14. Notional Council of Teachers of Mathematics15. National Science Teachers Association 15. National Science Teachers Association
6. Organizations for Prospective Teachers
Students considering teaching careers may join professional organizations. These organizations can help you answer question; investigate the profession; form ideals of professional ethics, standards, and training; meet other students and educators at local and national meetings; and keep up with current trends in the profession.Overview lists professional organizations that students can join. Ask your professors for appropriate information if you are interested in joining any of these organizations. Some offer student membership rates. College library most likely carries the respective journals for each organization. The first or second page of each issue lists membership information and costs and the Internet address.