• Modern Sciences were ignored
  • All Muslim thoughts are merged
  • Persian held an important status
  • Gap appeared between science and religion
  • Failed to stop the impact of western culture

I) Modern Sciences were ignored

No doubt this movement succeeded in preserving the safe-guarding the Islamic Sciences, but at the same time little attention was paid to the fast changing world around which demanded new obligations. As a result, the modern contemporary sciences were ignored altogether and this curriculum of Islamic learning's could not keep pace with the practical life around.

II) All Muslim thoughts are merged

All the educational traditions and characteristics of other eminent Muslim schools were merged into the Deoband system of education. As a result, the curriculum was to be studies both by the students and the teachers.

III) Persian held an important status

Although the official status of Persian had ended with the domination of the British, but it still held a pivotal status in the Deoband curriculum. As a result the students could not benefit from the contemporary modern sciences.

IV) Undue importance to philosophy and logic

Undue importance was given to ancient philosophy and logic. As a result and environment of prolonged argumentation was created as Deoband which later on developed into a regular dialectical style..

V) Gap appeared between science and religion

No attention was paid to the teaching of modern sciences. In the same way, the modern educational institutions did not encourage the study of religious sciences. As a result, a gap appeared between the two curricula, and by the passage of time, this gap widened. Today this gap seems unbridgeable.

VI) Failed to stop the impact of western culture

Undoubtedly, the Deoband movement considerably succeeded in safe guarding the Islamic heritage and the Muslim-national identity, but it failed to stop the forced march of the western culture towards the Muslims societies and their heritage. Parallel to this movement, the Aligarh Movement did very well, made substantial gains and grew more and more popular with the passage of times.