3. Summative Assessment

Summative assessment typically comes at the end of a course (or unit) of instruction. It is designed to determine the extent to which the instructional objective have been achieved and is used primarily for assigning course grades or certifying pupil mastery of the intended learning outcomes. The techniques used in summative evaluation are determined by the instructional objectives, but they usually include teacher-made achievement tests, ratings on various types of performance(e.g., laboratory, oral report), and evaluations of products (e.g., themes, drawings, research reports). Although the main purpose of summative evaluation is grading or the certification of pupil achievement, it also provides information for judging the appropriateness of the course objectives and the effectiveness of the instruction.

NE. Gronund (1985) observes:

"Summative evaluation typically end of a course or unit of instruction. It is designed to determine extent to which the instructional objectives have been achieved and is used primarily for assigning course grades or certifying pupil mastery of the intended learning out-comes." comes at the

In the views of Ebel, R.L. and Frisbie (1986):

"Summative evaluation is conducted at the end of an instructional segment to determine if learning is sufficiently complete to warrant moving the learner to the next segment of instruction."

In the words of Gilbert sax (1989):

A summative evaluation can provide evidence that the programme is satisfactory and should be continued for next year's students or that student learning attitudes are so negative that a new programme is needed."

W. Wiersma and S. J. Gurs (1990) state:

"Summative evaluation is done at the conclusion of instruction and measures the extent to which students have attained the desired outcomes."Summative Assessment is employed at the end of the entire program or course and aims at overall performance of the pupil in a program. It determines the success or failure of the students. It is concerned with promotion, grading and certification. This type of assessment is made usually by external staff.


1.It determines the overall success or failur of pupil.

2.It is more comprehensive and vast.

3.It is used for promotion, certification and grading

4.It identifies the academic potential.

5.It helps in future decisions and predictions.

6.It also helps in comparing the performances of different groups.

7. This type of assessment is made by external staff.

Tools of Summative Assessment:

1.Teacher made achievement tests.

2. Ratings on performance like laboratory and oral report.

3.Assessment of products like drawings and research reports.