3.2.2 Significant Features
1. Validity
The facts recorded must be authentic. It is better not to write any information than to give untrue information.
2. Comprehensiveness
A cumulative record should contain information as complete and comprehensive as possible.
3. Accuracy
The information should be accurately recorded from the original source. If instead of 150 one writes 105 as score of an individual in English let us say, one can imagine the difference in the educational guidance of that student.
4. Objectivity
Personal opinion and judgments should be reduced to the minimum.
5. Economy of Space
The criterion of a good record is that the maximum possible information is contained in the space available.
6. Regency
Any piece of information should be recorded as soon as it is obtained.
7. Outcome of a cooperative Enterprise
It should be the result of group thinking.
8. Evaluation
It should be evaluated every year so as to know how far it serves the purpose.