2.1.1 Learning Objectives and Bloom's Taxonomy
Learning goals and objectives help you develop a set of performance expectations, which then enable you to develop content that is appropriate for your instruction. With skills to prioritize and organize learning goals, you can build a teaching foundation to ensure that you can guide and measure student learning.Thus, it is critical to know:
- What should students learn?
- How will students demonstrate what they have learned?
- How will students learn for future learning?
To properly assess student learning, it is essential to create defined and attainable outcomes.
Learning objectives measure behaviors and anticipated outcomes as a result of instruction and require that a teacher:
- Decide what activities and behaviors will be monitored.
- Give students the opportunity to demonstrate what they know.
- Discuss with students how they did on assessments.
With these ideas in mind, you will have a frame and a guide to assessment. This process will inform your teaching practice.