Relationship Between Philosophy and Education

Philosophy and education are closely inter-related. Education is the application of philosophy or philosophy of education is applied philosophy. It is the application of philosophy to the study of the problems of education that is known as philosophy of education. Further, "a sound philosophy of education is based on an adequate philosophy of life." In fact, philosophy is the groundwork or foundation out of which comes the objectives of education. Philosophy and education walk hand in hand. In this relationship, philosophy and education are reconstructive; they give to and take from each other in ebb and flow of thought and action; they are means to one another, and ends; they are process and product.

  • Great Philosophers have also been Great Educator.
  • The Ultimate Questions of Education are the Questions of Philosophy.
  • Some Expert Views.

(a) Great Philosophers have also been Great Educator.

According to Ross, "Philosophy and education are like the sides of a coin, presenting different views of the same thing, and that the one is implied by the other."In the words of John Adams: "Education is the dynamic side of philosophy," If one is contemplative the other is active side.

Educators who are also great philosophers have bearing upon educational scheme through their philosophical views and ideals. Education is the strongest instrument for the realisation of the ideals of life and a civilized attempt to bring about the desired development of human personality. This indicates the fact that plant of education draws its nourishment from the soil of philosophy.

(b) The Ultimate Questions of Education are the Questions of Philosophy.

Philosophy answers all the ultimate questions of education. Bertrand Russell contends that philosophy is an attempt to answer the ultimate question of education. Philosophy of education undertakes the systematic discussion of educational problems on a philosophical level. It consists of "probing into an educational question until it is reduced to an issue in metaphysics epistemology, ethics, logic or to combinations of these."

(c) Some Expert Views.

Before analysing the areas which reveal the impact of philosophy on education, we produce some expert views just to support the statements given above.

  • John Dewey: "Philosophy may be defined as the theory of education in its most general phases."
  • Spencer. "True education is practicable only to true philosophers."
  • Gentile. "Education without philosophy would mean a failure to understand the precise nature of education."
  • John Dewey. John Deway then contends, "Education is a laboratory, in which philosophical distinctions become concrete and are tested."
  • Fichte. "The art of education will never attain complete clearness without philosophy."

From the given statements and views we can easily maintain that philosophy and education are closely inter- related. Philosophy prescribes the goals and essentials of good. life and education is the best means to achieve those goals. Philosophy deals with the ends and education with the means. Philosophy is the background of education. The only need is to view philosophy and interpret it in the context of time and different approaches to life and its problems.

It has been rightly said that without philosophy, education would be a blind effort and without education, philosophy would be a cripple.

Philosophy permeates its influence on every aspect of education. It determines the aims, contents, and methods of education. It defines the role of teacher in the educative process. It solves all the problems of education.