10.5 Managing Co-Curricular Activities

In modern education, co-curricular activities are given a very important place in the school. The headmaster is expected to know the educative value of various activities and organise them intelligently.

Organisation of the activities will involve the following principles

  • Selection of Activities
  • Specifying time
  • Specifying Place
  • Guiding the Pupils
  • Pupil Participation
  • Supervision
  • Evaluation
  • Recording

Let us discuss them one by one.

1. Principle of Selection of Activities

The headmaster is not the sole organiser of activities. He should all a staff meeting and hold discussion with the teaching staff regarding the activities to be carried out. Different viewpoints must be discussed and given due consideration. The headmaster should avoid bossing tendency. While selecting activities, the following points. should be borne in mind:

i) Varied Activities

There should not be only one or two types of activities. We are to cater to the needs of different types of pupils. Each pupil should have the satisfaction of having participated in one activity or the other.

ii) Not too many activities

There should not be too many activities because their organisation may become difficult. Beginning should be made with a few activities. Gradually the activities may be increased.

iii) Age level and interests of children

The activities should be selected according to the level of pupils. Their interest at different developmental stages should be kept in mind. Thus the activities for the pupils of sixth class will not be the same as the activities for the pupils of tenth class.

iv) Economy

While selecting activities, the resources of the school should be kept in mind. The activities involving unbearable expenditure should be avoided. However, we should not weigh every activity against monetary considerations.

v) Educative Value

The activities to be selected must have appreciable educative value. We have to evolve constructive programmes.

vi) Purpose

Every activity to be selected must have a definite purpose. The headmaster, the teachers and even the pupils must know why they propose an activity otherwise it loses its real significance.

2. Specifying Time

The time for each activity should be specified well in advance. Ordinarily there should be proper provision in the regular time-table. The activity gets importance and pupils do it willingly. Suppose the activity is arranged after school. Neither the pupils nor the teachers will taken interest. However, for outdoor games, we require time after school hours.

3. Specifying Place

Not only the time, but also the place where the activity is to be carried out, must be pointed out well in advance. There should be no doubt about the place of activity. The activities involving the whole school lawns can be used. Library room or play-grounds may also be used.

4. Guiding the Pupils

The pupils will not perform the activities automatically. They may not have adequate knowledge about the activity. They must guided by the teacher- incharge. The teacher incharge of the activity must have sufficient knowledge of the activity. In addition to this, lie must take interest in the activity. Work-load of the teacher who is to guide the pupils, should be suitably adjusted.

5. Pupil Participation

There should be maximum pupil-activity in the functioning of co-curricular activities. However, the students cannot be forced to perform various activities. For their willing participation, the following suggestions will be helpful:

  • Pupil's Choice: A pupil must be given the choice to take part in activities of his own interest. Let him become a member of the clan or society in which he is interested.
  • Pupils to Organise: The pupil should be involved in the conduct of various activities. Let him organise different activities. The student leaders and office bearers should give the lead.
  • Democratic Organisation: The office bearers from the students should not be nominated by the headmaster or by the teachers. The students should themselves select or reject their leaders.
  • Procedure: The procedure of the activity. should be clear to the students. If they do not know how to perform the activity, they will remain in doubt. Their participation will be insufficient.
  • Aim: They should also know the aim of the activity. That is to say, they should be clear about the purpose of the activity.
  • Appreciation of Pupils' Work: Pupils' work should find due appreciation from the teachers and the headmaster. This may be in the form of reward, merit certificates etc. Some V.I.P may be invited to give away the prizes etc.
  • Supervision: The functioning of various activities should be properly supervised. The teacher should supervise the pupil's performance. The headmaster should supervise the functioning of both the teachers and the pupils. However, the supervision should not create any unpleasantness.

6. Evaluation

After performance of the activity, the teachers, and the headmaster should evaluate it. They should see that educational gain has been achieved through the activity. This will lead to future improvement.

7. Recording

After the activity and its evaluation are complete, the teacher incharge should prepare detailed report of the programme. This should be written down in specific registers.Thus we see that organisation of co-curricular activities involves shared responsibility by the teachers and the pupils. It is a co-operative enterprise. The success of the activity will specially depend upon the teachers incharge. They should take keen interest in the activity or their work load should be suitably adjusted.