10.4 Teaching of Different Subjects
Teaching of English
The general aims of teaching English are to enable the child to understand the spoken as well as the written English and also to speak, read and write English. Therefore, the English teacher should aim at developing the following four language abilities.
They are:
a) listening,
b) reading,
c) speaking and
d) writing
Therefore, the first duty of a English teacher is to develop these language abilities among the children. These four general aims are helpful to the teacher in practical field. Therefore, each and every English teacher should know it and try to develop these among students.
Teaching of History
For best method in teaching history following guidelines are suggested:
- The traditional methods like narration, story telling, dictation, lecture methods should be avoided.
- Conversational lessons should be the usual typeof class lessons in history.
- In every class, a few lessons on the Source method and Activity method should be provided to give the pupils insight into the true nature of history and to develop their interest in the subject.
Besides the pupil's activity within the method, maintenance of scrap-book, preparation of time lines, map etc. should be included.
But one things is important: according to the requirements of the lessons and interests of pupils and teachers, the methods may differ.
Teaching of Geography
Geography is one of the most ancient sciences which is now heading towards a scientific form. It aims at nothing less than an understanding of the interaction of the vast natural environments on the surface of the earth on the entire humanity and also its study covers all the phenomenon on the earth's surface and explains the principle of day and night, seasons, climate, surface forms, river erosion, flora and fauna as well as the distribution and development of varied human communities but now it is not an independent unit because like any other sciences it derives its raw material from other sciences and employed it for its own angle. Due to the vastness of study, it is quite important to treat geography as having a key position in the curriculum.
The importance of Geography is getting more recognition in modern time as in short, its study helps in the assessment of agricultural productivity, regional planning and economy rehabilitation as well as in the preparation and execution of projects. Useful basic materials is provided for the techno-economic surveys which are undertaken to make an assessment of development potentialities of the resources of different states.
Teaching of Science.
The aims and objectives of science education is not fixed for all times. According to the development of science and technology, the aims and objectives of science have been changing from time to time. Accordingly the aims and objectives of education do not remain the same in all the societies and at all points of time. The same is the case in respect of science education. The aims and objectives are considered according to the need of the society. Among the objectives of science education greater emphasis was given on scientific concepts, and appreciation. The major objectives of science education are as follows:
- The basic knowledge relating to scientific enterprise.
- Development of skill in observation and experimentation.
- Understanding of the reciprocal relationship in observation andbetween science and society.
- Understanding related to the interrelation of science and society.
Teaching of Mathematics
Every school subject has certain aims and values. The aim of Mathematics should be the proper understanding of facts, proper thinking and application of these facts intelligently in new, original and constructive ways. The following few points can be of great use to the students in the solution of mathematics problems:
i) Clear statement of problem
This should include what is supplied or given and what is required to be done.
ii) Understanding the implications of problem
By analyzing in parts, what is required, its specific details, parts and sub-parts, the student follows the problem.
iii) Previous knowledge
By recollecting the pieces of knowledge or facts learnt earlier, that can help in the solution of the present problem and throw light on it. A student finds solution. His earlier knowledge comes to his help here.
iv) Arrangement of Data
The student arranges the data and the inferences in a scientific manner, so that reaching a tentative solution may be made easy.
v) Statement of Result
The result should be stated in general and very clear language. It should be in precise form.
vi) Verification of Result
In order to test the accuracy of the result just arrived at, it should be verified, again and again.
Teaching of Social Studies
A group of people living together may be divided as a society. Since man is a social animal, he cannot live outside the society, people living together in a society are influenced by their own history, economics, civics or geography. An integration of these subjects is popularly known as social studies. The scope of social studies is quite vas.
The aim of teaching Social Studies is to help the students to acquire knowledge of their environment, an understanding of human relationship and certain attitudes and values which are vital for intelligent participation in the affairs of the community, the state the nation and the world. An effective programme of Social Studies is essential for the development of good citizenship and emotional integration.