1.2 Trends in Administration continue.....
3. Laissez-faire
Laissez-faire literally means, "let people do what theywish."
- Administrators do not interfere the matters.
- They show lack of interest and sense of responsibility.
- Subordinates enjoy limitless freedom.
- Subordinates do not follow the rules and guidelines
- Focus is on status quo.
- Decisions are made without the involvement ofleadership.
- Staff members work according to their will.
- Laissez-faire style of administration favours the institutions or organizations with highly professional members who are responsible, expert and experienced.
- It is useful for organizations having business partnership.
- Institutions reflect chaos, disorder, anarchy and lack of discipline.
- Quality is declined.
- There is decline innorms, standards andprofessionalism.
- Members do not follow the guidelines.